Thursday, December 12, 2019

Communication and Information Technology -

Question: Discuss about theCommunication and Information Technology for Smartphone. Answer: Use of Smartphone for students of Information Technology to help in learning with a focus in Project Management Introduction: With the introduction of the smart phones and mobile computing devices, it has brought about significant potential tool that can be used as learning agents for the students. The intervention methods that are used with the help of the smart phones have attracted the interest of the learners and educators. Innovative methods of education process can be implicated in practice with the help of smart phones and internet technology. As the communication process has been improved with the help of Smartphone Technology, it is possible for the learners and educators easily connect with each other from all places. With the growing popularity of smart phone and Internet technology, its application is becoming popular among all education institutes across the globe. It is possible to better develop the understanding process with the help of smart phone and Internet technology. The aim of this current assignment is to provide the literature review from the existing studies that have analyzed the impact of the smart phones and internet technology application in the learning process. Peer-reviewed journal articles are chosen for this purpose and are annotated bibliography is done in order to critically evaluate the articles. Most of the Research work focuses on the advantage of use of Smartphone technology for educational purpose. It has also helped to suggest ways that can help to improve the level of Technology implication in Educational Institute. Literature Review: Article 1: Rung, A., Warnke, F., Mattheos, N. (2014). Investigating the use of smartphones for learning purposes by Australian dental students. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2(2). The research work of Rung et al., (2014), have mentioned that it is essential for the education system of the modern days to have Dynamic nature and that can adopt all type of changes of social environment. With the help of advanced level of Information and Communication Technology, it is possible to have a critical process of the overall environment. It is also important to mention that implication of ICT has become an important part of Computer literacy that is adopted by primary and secondary level of education as a process of learning. The principal findings of the above research work suggest that students, who have owned the smart phones, are able to use them as one of the main leaning devices for the better level of understandings. It has also enabled a student to access the resources with the help of digital library. This has been a major advantage for students in remote areas, as they do not after visit the learning centre or library in order to collect the books or education lessons. Nevertheless, there are certain negative implications of the use of Smartphone due to the fact that most of the students are also able to use the device as a source of entertainment. With the increased speed of Internet service, the Smartphone's can be used as a device to watch movies and play games. It has been also seen that more than half of the student uses the Smartphone or taking pictures. All this can be a major Distraction for the students in the overall process of education. The level of concentration among the students can also be compromised due to this fact. The research has also mentioned about the use of social media and its popularity that is also helping the students in the process of learning. Social media has been one of the major enhancements in the learning environment process. It provides the opportunity for the students to better communicate with each other and also with teachers. It is also essential for the students to upgrade the devices of the smart phones that are needed in the diverse range of operating system within the smart phones. Hence, the use of the smart phones has been one of the biggest opportunity that is adopted by the students in the overall learning process enhancement. Article 2: Dahlstrom, E., Bichsel, J. (2016). ECAR study of undergraduate students and information technology. Research report. Louisville, CO: ECAR, October 2014. Disponvel em https://www. educause. edu/ecar Acesso em: 22 fev. The research article by Dahlstrom and Bichsel (2016), have highlighted the fact that the students have the ability of the students to adopt the use of the technology is dependent on the infrastructure of the respective education institute. It is important to mention that all education institute need to enhance their technological infrastructure in order to make full use of the smart phones and Internet facilities. The use of the technology has become an integrated part of student's life. It is the duty of the Educational Institutes and education department to provide Full support of technology to the student that can help them to enhance the learning methods. The environment of learning also needs to modify in order to encourage them to adopt the use of the technology. The process of learning management system is an integrated part of the Academic students. The omnipresence of the technology in the student's life has become important part, as most of the education degree project is dependent on its application. With the help of the use of the internet devices, it is possible for the students to virtual contact with the educators. However, there are instances, where most of the students prefer face to face physical communication which is more comfortable for them. This is one of the major resistances that are witnessed by the Smartphone technology. There needs to be special training program for the students, which can help them to adapt to the latest technological application. The use of the technology is more evident within the level of higher education. The findings of the research work of Dahlstrom and Bichsel (2016), have concluded that most of the students are highly fascinated with the application of Smartphone and Internet technology in education courses. Nevertheless, most of them due to lack of proper knowledge are not able to make full use of the technology. It is also concluded that besides the development of Technology, it is also essential to develop the leadership skills of the educators. This can help to make better use of the technology within the process of degree course. Education process also needs to be modified in order to bring about innovation within the overall system. This can help to develop better understanding within the students about the content of the degree course. Article 3: Boruff, J. T., Storie, D. (2014). Mobile devices in medicine: a survey of how medical students, residents, and faculty use smartphones and other mobile devices to find information. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 102(1), 22 The research work of Boruff and Storie (2014), have highlighted about the use of technology among the Medical students that can help them to share vital information. The medical professionals have adopted the use of Technology that is needed to share huge amount of information. This information is the vital resources of Medical Education. With the help of online digital libraries, it is possible for the medical educators to share this information with all the inexperienced medical students. There are also several challenges that are encountered by medical students while accessing the information from online digital libraries of medical data bases. Lack of authentication of access to medical databases, it is not possible for the medical students to get all the information that is needed in their respective degree course. There are specially designed mobile applications that are Highly Effective for the medical students that can help them to access the information of the data bases. The gaps that exist within the current procedure of sharing digital data can be improved with the help of advanced level of training that has provided to the librarians. Proper management of the data in the medical databases is an essential component that can help easy access to the users. The lack of knowledge and training skills among the medical librarians is the major drawbacks that are encounter due to poor application of communication technology. There are several rare and challenging clinical cases that are encountered by the clinical experts. The experience of the medical practitioners can be stored within the medical data bases that can be usedas reference for all future purposes. The clinical undergraduate students and medical practitioners need to be given full access to the online digital library of medical resources, which can help them to gain vital information that is needed in the process of medical education. Slow speed up Internet is also one of the major challenges the not encountered by medical practitioners. This is a major resistance within the process of accessing the online digital library. It is important for the respective stakeholders of the digital libraries to improve upon the Digital Service that can be achieved with the help of better level of technological infrastructure. Article 4: Croft, R., Davis, C. (2010). E-books revisited: Surveying student e-book usage in a distributed learning academic library 6 years later. Journal of Library Administration, 50(5-6), 543-569. The research work of Croft and Davis (2010), have highlighted about the growing popularity of the use of Ebook among college students with has been one of the major effects of the use of Smartphones in educational process. With the advanced use of ebook, the students have the opportunity to access all kinds of books that are needed for the educational purpose. The use of ebook can also help to save the cost of buying physical books. It is important for the Smartphone provided to modify the software that is needed for better ebook experience for the students. It is also essential for all the book publishers to launch ebook version at lower cost in order to encourage more students to make use of the educational resources. With advanced level use of ebooks, it is possible for the students to overcome the trouble of carrying physical books. Nevertheless, one of the major drawbacks in this context is due to the fact that there are many students and educators, who prefer the use of physical books over their electronic versions. Conclusion: From the above literature, it can be concluded that application of Smartphone on advancement of Internet technology has been another major advantage that is enjoyed by the present day learners and educators. As the number of education institutes is encouraging the use of Technology, it is possible toenhance the mode of communication among the educators and learners. Few of the major limitations of this process is due to the fact that high-speed Internet service is not available in all parts of the globe. It is also important that many of the Students are not willing to accept the technology due to the fact that they do not have high level of expertise and training that are needed inthe overall process. There is also the chance that smart phones can be used by the students as a source of entertainment that can ultimately compromise upon their level of concentration on academic degree course. It is essential that the future research work should not only focus upon suggesting ways to develop the communication technology for education purpose, it should also focus on the leadership qualities that need to be inherited in order to deal with the resistance that currently exists in the overall process. Reference Boruff, J. T., Storie, D. (2014). Mobile devices in medicine: a survey of how medical students, residents, and faculty use smartphones and other mobile devices to find information. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 102(1), 22. Croft, R., Davis, C. (2010). E-books revisited: Surveying student e-book usage in a distributed learning academic library 6 years later.Journal of Library Administration,50(5-6), 543-569. Dahlstrom, E., Bichsel, J. (2016). ECAR study of undergraduate students and information technology. Research report. Louisville, CO: ECAR, October 2014. Disponvel em https://www. educause. edu/ecar Acesso em: 22 fev. Rung, A., Warnke, F., Mattheos, N. (2014). Investigating the use of smartphones for learning purposes by Australian dental students. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2(2).

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